No Contracts, Cancel Anytime!
You can self-manage your account by registering online. If you have any urgent requests or if you are within 4 days of your next bill date, we recommend that you manage your account online to make sure your requests are completed before your monthly billing renews.
Our team members onsite typically do not handle any account cancelation requests. Instead, they will provide you with a card to contact our customer support team or to manage your account online. We value your feedback regarding your cancelation process and appreciate your input so we can continue to improve the overall customer experience.
Do you have questions about canceling or need help?
Our support hours are Monday through Friday, 9am - 7pm EST.
Our customer support team may be contacted via email, text, or chatbot. The email address is
For customers on the East Coast (GA, FL, PA), our regional text/call number is 904.774.2900.
For customers on the West Coast (NV and CA), our regional text/call number is 805.900.3525.
To help our team expedite locating your account, please include the following information in your email/text or be prepared to provide:
1. Full name tied to the account
2. The location you signed up at (street name/city/state)
3. Your license plate number OR, if applicable, your window RFID number, found on the inside of the sticker. The Fast Pass number is typically in this format: xx + xxxxxx.
4. Sometimes, we may need the last four digits of the billing card on file to help locate your account. If your membership has the window sticker RFID tag, we will need the first five and last four digits of the billing credit card.
Can I get a refund of my last charge?
At LUV Car Wash, we understand that circumstances may arise that prevent you from using your membership. The plan will remain in effect for 30 full days; no refunds or credits will be given for partial periods.
The recurring charge has already been processed if you see a pending charge on your bank statement. In this situation, the membership will expire on the bill date next month. You can continue using the membership until the day before your account is terminated.
All promotions are temporary and will renew at the full price at the end of the period. You may upgrade or downgrade your plan for the next bill date, and we will need at least four days' notice to make any changes to your account. You can also manage your account online.
True LUV (NEW) - $41.99/mo
All the LUV - $36.99/mo
Lotta LUV - $29.99/mo
First LUV - $22.99/mo
We value your membership and strive to provide excellent service. If you believe you are eligible for a refund due to a duplicate billing error, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible. We will be happy to help you with further investigation.
Thank you for choosing LUV Car Wash for your car wash needs. We appreciate your loyalty and business.